• Christmas

    5 Simple Holiday Party Tips to Avoid Overindulging

    Holiday parties are a fun time to enjoy delicious food and drinks, but they can also lead to overdoing it on the treats. Here are five holiday party tips to help you stay on track: 1. Eat a Balanced Meal Beforehand Arrive at the party not starving. Having a balanced meal before an event can help control your hunger and reduce the temptation to overeat at the snack table. Choose a meal that includes both fiber and protein to help you feel satisfied. 2. Drink Water Between Alcoholic Beverages If you’re going to drink alcohol, alternate your drinks with water.…

  • Christmas

    Staying Strong Through December

    The month of December can feel overwhelming when you’re trying to eat healthy. There’s only a few weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and those weeks are often filled with holiday parties, gift shopping, and planning for the next big day. It can be so tempting to give up everything you’ve been doing and start again in the new year. But what if you could approach December in a new way this year? What if you could get to New Year’s Day without feeling like you’re back at the starting line? Here are some tips to help you keep your fitness…